

Dans cette session, vous pouvez trouver un aperçu des événements, conférences et réunions que le CEPD organise ou auquel il participe. Veuillez consulter notre politique d’interventions si vous souhaitez nous inviter à prendre la parole lors d'un événement.


An Orwellian Premonition: a discussion on the perils of biometric surveillance

On April 21st 2021, the European Commission presented its Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised roles on Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the Joint Opinion 5/2021 of the EDPB and the EDPS it is stressed that the Proposal has important data protection and privacy implications. With a focus on biometric surveillance, the EDPS and EDPB trainees explore possible implications stemming from the Commission's Proposal and invite you to participate in an engaging discussion.


Data for the public good: Building a healthier digital future

On Monday 25 January from 14:30-16:50, the EDPS will host an online side event in the margins of the 2021 CPDP conference:  Data for the public good: building a healthier digital future.
Our aim is to assess, in broad terms, the impact of measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and identify ways in which data can be used to be better prepared for the next one.


Online Workshop: Data Protection within International Organisations 2020

The EDPS will host an online edition of the Data Protection Workshop within International Organisations, on the afternoons of 8 & 9 October 2020. In light of the continuing public health crisis around the world, the theme of this year’s workshop is Data protection in international organisations in times of crisis.

Data Protection Notice
Langues disponibles: anglais

Data Protection in the age of Covid-19. Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow

The Trainees of the European Data Protection Supervisor and European Data Protection Board organise a virtual conference to address how our right to data protection is affected during the crisis, examine the repercussions of the measures taken to fight the virus so far, and explore their long-term impact on our fundamental rights.


The Hague Forum - Virtual Meeting

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in co-operation with the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security (Strategic Vendor Management Microsoft) and the European Commission organises a virtual meeting of the Hague Forum on 2 July 2020 between 09h30-13h00.

Langues disponibles: anglais
Data Protection Notice
Langues disponibles: anglais