

In this session, you can find an overview of events, conferences and meetings the EDPS organises or participates in. Please check our speaking engagements policy if you want to invite us to speak during an event.


EDPS-Civil Society Summit 2020

The EDPS-Civil society summit is an annual meeting between the EDPS and civil society organisations organized to discuss the state of data protection and privacy in the EU.

The 2020 edition will focus on a number of issues relating facial recognition, biometric surveillance technologies and its effects on activists
in the EU.

The Summit is part of Privacy Camp 2020.

Register here.

You can follow the event on our Twitter account and participate in the conversation using the hashtag #PrivacyCamp20.


Data Protection Certification Model - From risk management to accountability tools. The European transposition of the GDPR

The European Commission study on certifications provided national authorities and the EDPB with indications and clarifications on methodologies, rules, roles and responsibilities and on international standardization norms. The debate analysed the current opportunities at European level in the area of certifications, through the words of the Tilburg researchers, the representatives of the EDPB, the EDPS and of the Osservatorio 679 board.

EC Data Protection Certification Mechanisms
Available languages: English
EuroPriSe and ISDP10003:2015 - Presentation by Marco Moreschini
Available languages: English
Tilburg Institute of Law, Technology and Society - Presentation by Eric Lachaud
Available languages: English
Data Protection Certification - Presentation by Riccardo Giannetti
Available languages: English
Accountability - Presentation by Rosario Imperiali
Available languages: English

Can We Trust Our Artificial Eyes? Data Protection in the Age of Human Enhancement

The European Data Protection Supervisor and European Data Protection Board hold their trainee conference on 11 July 2019 at 12:00 - 14:00 in room 01P100 of the Wilfried Martens Building in Brussels. The European Data Protection Supervisor, Giovanni Buttarelli, and the Assistant Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, will give their views, alongside an expert panel discussing how these technical developments affect our conception of humanity and possible issues relating to privacy and data protection.


Data Protection and Competitiveness in the Digital Age

The European Data Protection Supervisor and Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Germany jointly organize the panel discussion on "Data Protection and Competitiveness in the Digital Age" on the 9th of July 2019 in Brussels.

The digital economy has brought to the forefront the role of data which represent value for the tech industry but raise issues in terms consumer protection. As business models increasingly rely on large amount of personal data the discussion will look at the intersection between data protection and competition policy.

This initiative is hosted by the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union.

By invitation only.

Link to the video recording (on YouTube).

Joint Press Statement


EU Open Day 2019 - Brussels

The EDPS and EDPB stand will be at the European Commission as part of the EU institutions' Europe Day celebrations. Located on the ground floor of the Berlaymont building, EDPS and EDPB staff will be on hand to answer questions about your privacy rights and how to protect your personal information. Free goodies and information will be on offer, as well as fun and interactive activities for both children and adults to enjoy. You will also have a chance to win one of 20 USB sticks, simply by taking part in our fun, simple quiz!