
Accords internationaux

Étant donné que les données s’écoulent numériquement par-delà les frontières, il est essentiel que la protection des droits fondamentaux soit assurée. Dans son rôle de conseiller du législateur de l’UE, le CEPD continue d’offrir son expertise concernant les propositions d’accords internationaux de l’UE, notamment dans les domaines du commerce, de l’application des lois (par exemple les accords PNR avec des pays tiers) et de la coopération administrative. Les recommandations du CEPD visent à s’assurer que les personnes dans l’UE ne renoncent pas à leurs droits lorsque leurs données à caractère personnel sont transférées hors de l’UE.



EDPS Opinion 17/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Peruvian law enforcement authorities

EDPS Opinion 17/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Peruvian law enforcement authorities

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français

EDPS Opinion 16/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Bolivian law enforcement authorities

EDPS Opinion 16/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Bolivian law enforcement authorities

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français

EDPS Opinion 15/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Mexican law enforcement authorities

EDPS Opinion 15/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Mexican law enforcement authorities

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français

EDPS Opinion 14/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Brazilian law enforcement authorities

EDPS Opinion 14/2023 on the negotiating mandate to conclude an international agreement on the exchange of personal data between Europol and Brazilian law enforcement authorities

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français

Cross-border data flows in the Agreement between the EU and Japan for an Economic Partnership

EDPS Opinion on the Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the opening of negotiations for the inclusion of provisions on cross-border data flows in the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français